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Offering Job Oriented Courses
Assistant Electrician Training at Etah Center
Placement Drive at Kasganj Center
Etah Center IT Lab
Free Sampling Tailor Training for Persons with Disabilites at Chharra, Aligarh Center
Snowy Mountains
Bootstrap Example

Welcome to Skill India Computer Saksharta Mission

The Skill India Computer Saksharta Mission (SICSM) is a transformative initiative run by Vision Welfare Foundation & Charitable Trust aimed at empowering individuals across India with computer literacy and digital skills. Launched as part of the larger Skill India campaign, SICSM seeks to bridge the digital divide and equip people with the necessary knowledge and competencies to thrive in the digital era. By providing comprehensive computer training programs, skill development courses, and specialized initiatives, SICSM is revolutionizing access to technology education and creating pathways to employment and entrepreneurship.

Computer Training Programs

SICSM conducts computer training programs to provide individuals with basic computer education and digital literacy. These programs cover topics such as computer fundamentals, operating systems, internet usage, email communication, and basic software applications.

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Skill Development Courses

SICSM offers skill development courses in various areas of information technology and computer skills. These courses are designed to enhance employability and entrepreneurship opportunities. Examples of skill development courses may include programming languages, web development, graphic design, digital marketing, data analysis, and computer hardware and networking.

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Specialized Training for Marginalized Communities

SICSM provides specialized computer training programs targeting marginalized communities, including rural populations, women, and economically disadvantaged individuals. These programs aim to bridge the digital divide and empower these communities with the necessary skills to participate in the digital economy.

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'Digital India' is an enterprise to transform India in a scale unmatched anywhere in the world and it has the potential to make development truly inclusive.'

"I see technology as a means to empower and as a tool that bridges the distance between hope and opportunity,"

                                                            Shri Narendra Modi

Popular Training Courses

Java Training

Core & Advanced Java

Core Java is the learning stage of Java programming ,here we learn all the concept used in programming paradigm.It is the basis of java .But advance Java deals with the implementation of the concept.Basically company's works on advance Java.

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Android Training

Android Mobile Application Development

Android software development is the process by which new applications are created for the Android operating system. Applications are usually developed in Java programming language using the Android software development kit (SDK).

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Computer Accounting Training

Basic & Advanced Accounting

Computer accounting specialists use specialized software to perform accounting-related tasks, such as preparing profit and loss statements and handling accounts receivable and payable.

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Web Design & Development Training

With HTML 5, CSS3, PHP, MYSQL & Bootstrap Framework

The web design process starts with a visual concept, which you could sketch by hand or with software like Photoshop. Then, you use HTML and CSS to build the website. HTML and CSS are the codes for writing web pages. HTML handles the basic structure and 'bones' of your page, while CSS handles the style and appearance

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Diploma in Computer Application


Diploma in Computer Application [DCA] is a 6-12 month short term program that provides an in-depth understanding of computer applications, equips students with practical and technical skills, and imparts knowledge on various computer tools and applications that are used in day-to-day life.

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